Esther’s Megillah or scroll is written by scribes on vellum or parchment made from the hide of a kosher animal. Kosher ink is mixed. According to the Pen Lovers Network, the recipe for kosher ink involves mixing gum arabic, copper or iron sulfate, oak galls, water, and coal soot. Feathers from kosher birds are used to make quills. The Megillah is written by a special scribe called a sofer in Biblical Hebrew.
Photo by By Tilemahos Efthimiadis from Athens, Greece [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

If you would like to try to write a small portion of Megillat Esther, you can purchase:
a quill
and some archival quality ink
Decorate your section with colorful inks to create an illuminated megillah!