Mishloach Manot Ideas
One of the most fun activities for Purim is putting together gifts of food or 'mishloach manot' for friends. The legal requirement for a 'mishloach manot' is that there will be at least two types of food that are ready to be consumed immediately. This is to ensure that everyone in the community may celebrate Purim with a feast. This mitzvah is even bigger if the recipient is an orphan, widow, or financially disadvantaged.
When we give these gifts to the poor (Matanot La’evyonim) we perform a mitzvah, which may “revive the spirit of the humble” and “revive the heart of the downtrodden” (Isaiah 57:15). This is an opportunity to be very creative. Here are some fun ideas for food packages that you may assemble. I like to place everything in a straw basket. I tie it up with cellophane and ribbons, and it is ready to be presented.

Mishloach Manot Ideas
Home-baked hamantaschen
Israeli salty treats like Bamba, Bisli, and other fun snacks
Israeli sweet treats like Pesek Zman, Elite chocolate, or Klik cookies
Fresh fruit
Assorted nuts
Grape juice or wine